The Rumble of Steam

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Canceled Class

I have to say it is one of the best things in the world. I happened to me twice in one day and it could not have come at a better time. As was the case this time, I found out before I actually got to the class room which ment that I could sleep in. Therefore, today has been a good day. It was what I needed after the weekend I had. My grandpa on my dad's side was diagonsed with pancreatic cancer last week and on monday was a meeting with the surgeon. Surgery is the only thing that can help him and they are not sure they t if they can even take it out. So if remember this on Friday (24th) it would be much appreciatied if you could pray for him as that is when he is going in for the surgery. I will try to get an update out sooner than the last time I said I would update you all.
So Long...

Friday, February 17, 2006

One Long Week

The title is an understatement. I started my second job today. I realize that I have not kept up on that situation, but I will let you know that the first two days went okay. I now realize I know very little about real world taxes (compared to the ones in the textbooks). Also making it a long week was that between Monday and Wednesday, I had a test in all but one of my classes. I would continue with trivial details but I must get to bed so I can have a decent full day at my orignial job tomorrow.
So long...

Monday, February 06, 2006


It is amazing to me that any company would pay so much to get 30 seconds of air time. It seems to me that the money they spend on such things could be spent on so many better things. Let me see a commercial that says instead of paying for 30 seconds in the Super Bowl we donated that amount to a charity. I would definately consider buying that product. I would certainly buy their product over one I saw in the Super Bowl. That is my little rant on what is, in my opinion, a waste of 2.5 million dollars.
So Long...

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Papers and Procrastination

So it has been to long since I last blogged. I am just so busy just like all of you. Today I have been working on this paper that is due Monday. It is this last fact that is causing problems. You see I really have little drive to write the paper when the due date is relatively far away. The only problem and the ONLY reason that I am working on it now it that the weekend is packed. I will have little time to work on it then. So, I continue on for a little while anyway.
So long...