The Rumble of Steam

Monday, February 12, 2007

I am Alive

I know it has been like forever since I have posted anything. I am going to have to go with the classic excuse of "I have no time". Just a quick update on my life. All is going well, if i pass this round of classes I will graduate on May 5th. It is getting closer every day :). The other big thing that just happened at the end of January is that I got a new job. It is with an accounting firm here in Salem and I am really liking working there. I have been learning lots with still lots of learning to go. Anna is doing well, she too will graduate this year. We have been loving married life. The apartment we are living in could be better and we are looking at moving to somewhere better but that will have to wait until after graduation. Well that is all I can think of for now. I hope that my next post is closer together, but I make no promises.
So Long... (for now)