The Rumble of Steam

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

The Worst 30 Minutes of My Day

Everyday I have the worst 30 minutes. What are they you ask. Well they are when I wear these blasted Crest Whitestrips!! They say you can talk and carry on with life when you have them in, but I can hardly swallow. I guess this falls under one of the things I will suffer through for my wedding pictures in a month :) They look like they are making a small difference so far. I am just glad they have a money back guarantee. Well I get to go take them out now.
So Long...

Wednesday, April 05, 2006


Well, this one has to go to my Mom:-) It really was a no brainer. She would also get the award for most comments posted but I did not make that one up so it will not be awarded tonight. (You should check back for an acceptance speech in the comments section) Anyway, think that I have already mentioned that I am getting married in just over a month. Big day, yes; no, I am not yet nervous :). Another update that has been sorely needed is on my Grandfather for all you who are not my mother and came in a close second for the award tonight. The surgey happen, the cancer was bigger than expected so they had to back out, recovery was relatively quick. He is doing okay his spirits are as good as we could hope for at this point. He has good days and bad, but he is working at being here for my wedding, which is cool. Anyway, one last thought for tonight. I am going to go to my 2nd job for the last time tomorrow. The tax season is coming to a close so they no longer need the extra help. It is in my opinion a good thing because I will now have time to do the big projects that come at the end of the semester. After work I am looking forward to going up North to the big city of Portland to see my friend Jason and my little sis Sarah. It should be lots of fun.
So Long...
Oh wait I have to give my self an award - Longest Blog :-)

Sunday, April 02, 2006

It's Been Way To Long

It has been forever since I have blogged anything. I am sorry. All things considered life is going fine. I have to go to bed know so that I have some energy for tomorrow.
So long...